Friday, 12 February 2010

key snippets from European Parliament equality resolution

This European Parliament resolution on equality between women and men, adopted on 10 Feb has some interesting points: Texts adopted - Wednesday, 10 February 2010 - Equality between women and men in the European Union ‐ 2009 - P7_TA-PROV(2010)0021

For example better protection of immigrant women (given that 1 in 5 highly qualified immigrants is working in a low-paid job). Trying to mainstream gender into the EU2020 process. Urging governments to introduce programmes to encourage female secondary school graduates to take up careers in engineering (too late by then?). Highlighting the fact that the European Institute for Gender Equality is still not up and running (due latest 2008).

The EP also criticises the Commission for not yet bothering to respond to its November 2008 resolution on revising equal pay legislation.

A key point in my opinion is that this resolution also urges Member States to conduct more outreach with regard to combating stereotypes, through

'awareness-raising campaigns in schools, workplaces and the media in order to promote diversification of career choices, especially for girls and combat persistent sexist stereotyping and degrading images, with particular emphasis on campaigns that highlight men's role in better sharing of family responsibilities and in work-life balancing'

Let's watch this space..