Wednesday, 23 September 2009

the fun gap and orgasms

As always, Penelope Trunk is entertaining. Here is her latest take on the final gender frontier: the fun gap. She posits that 'What actually prepares you for life is athletics, aiming high, breaking rules, playing video games', oh, and orgasms. Not sure about her claim that there are no salary differences though...

Monday, 14 September 2009

while boys explore the world around them, girls will 'always be the little angel dressing her dolls': oh please!

The latest example, from US toy retailer educational toys planet, is frankly terrifying.

You click on 'Boys' Toys', and get the following:

Are there any special toys for boys? All boys from 1 to 99, either they enjoy assembling simple machines or complex constructions, putting together electric chains or simple mechanism, creating endless mosaic designs or new breed of dough animals, digging dinosaur fossils or pirate treasure, pretending being spies or garbage truck drivers, have one thing in common – they love to explore the wonderful world around them. Toys for Boys section brings a diversity of children toys, games, puzzle and learning products for different ages. Not only boys will enjoy the popular items from Toys for Boys, but their friends, sisters, and the whole family playing together.

And what if you click on 'Girls' Toys?':

It doesn’t matter if she is a newborn, an infant, a schoolgirl, a student, or even if she already has the children of her own, she will always remain mom and dad’s little girl. She’ll always be the little angel dressing her dolls, singing her songs and playing her girl games; so loveable and adorable... Please feel free to look at our toys for girls section to find exactly what your little girl wants to stay happy and joyful. Toys for Girls department brings fun educational toys and games for the whole family!

This is for real, from a mainstream retailer. Can you believe it? So the uniting feature for boys is that they 'love to explore the wonderful world around them', whereas the girls are all about the relationship with the parents, and keep to indoors activities like 'dressing her dolls,' which ensure she'll be 'happy and joyful'.

I'll look for some UK/European examples of this enraging trend. and some more inspiring examples, if possible...